Each breathe we take we are presented with a new opportunity to have a new outlook.
What is that first breathe for you like? That first breathe of the morning of a new day. It amazes me, the people and moms that are up at 4am reading devotions and journaling. It is inspiring, but it for sure isn’t me. Do I wish it was me, sometimes, yes. In all honesty though, I am that mom that if I wake up at 4am I will roll over and go back to sleep. I love my sleep.
My typical morning starts when my alarm goes off to get my kids ready for school which is usually somewhere between 6:30-7am. Which is probably late for some people.
The thing that I have been struggling with lately though, is exhaustion. I find it so hard to not go back to bed when my kids leave. As a stay at home mom, currently, I have that chance to unless I have an appointment. I’ll be honest the past month or so that is what I did. I would wake up and get my kids on the bus and then crawl back into bed with my 2 year old and sleep- often times waking up, again, feeling just as exhausted.
The past few days though I am trying to change that, especially with this new program. In this weird way I feel like I am trying to reinvent myself. This morning I fought every ounce in me to not crawl back in bed, instead I took a shower. I have a lot of editing to do today as yesterday was our recording day for our YT Channel (more on that later).
I realized though while I was getting ready for my shower that this, “stay at home mom” has become a mentality and lifestyle for myself. I’m always in some sort of sweatpants, shorts or pajama bottoms and either a sports bra or a baggy shirt.
I get dressed and feel good about myself when I go out. I began to wonder, this morning, why can’t I feel that way about myself at home. I might not be going to a regular brick and mortar building for my job. My job currently is being at home, piecing together the tons of footage that I recorded, creating content, keeping my house, and being with my 2 year old.
In a way i think I have deemed those duties as not something to be proud of because they aren’t necessarily bringing any monetary value in, so I haven’t put any effort into caring for myself to do them-if that makes sense. (I am not bulking my 2 year old into those duties, just as an fyi)
So this morning, I am trying something new- I put on nice clothes after my shower, an outfit I would wear if I were to be going out. I sprayed on some perfume. It is something so simple but I feel a slight mental and mood shift. So what next? I'll put on some music, I’ll clean up a little bit, put a load of laundry in, do some reading, start on my workday and get out for my 3o min of activity later today too. My little one is already awake and has had her morning milk and amazingly found the remote that has been missing for months!
I think the thought that I am aiming to carry with me as I go throughout my morning is this “to take each breathe like it is that first breathe” that each breathe holds a new chance for me to have a new outlook, even if my day has already started and is going bat crazy, I need to be gracious with myself and just breathe and remember that little mundane things I do are important.
- Your Running Momma-